hearTest - Clinically-validated Digital Audiometry Solution

hearTest - CE-certified digital audiometer

Conduct booth-less, reliable hearing tests from anywhere, any time

hearTest is a certified digital audiometer that combines the capabilities of a traditional clinical audiometer with the convenience of mobile testing. Engineered for accuracy and convenience, hearTest is your go-to solution for comprehensive hearing loss assessments.

hearTest integrates with our cloud-based data management portal, ensuring a seamless experience for referral, data management and reporting.

FDA registered

What makes hearTest the preferred choice for healthcare professionals and clinical trials?

Cutting-edge mobile hearing testing

Features that you can benefit from

Additional Features
  • Conditioning functionality
  • Test reliability metrics
  • Patient signature for consent
  • Audiogram and degree of loss classification
  • Narrow band masking
  • Downloadable PDF reports

What sets hearTest apart?

We comply with international standards and regulations

IEC 60645-1

Equipment for pure-tone audiometry.


Specification for audiometers.

ISO 8253-1

Pure-tone air conduction audiometric test methods.

ISO 389 Series

Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment.

United States of America

29 CFR PART 1910.95

South Africa

SANS 10083 SANS 10154-1


hearTest is entered in the ARTG. (443797)

Registrations and certifications

World map showing registration locations




(FDA Registered)


(TGA Certified)

Customer testimonials

Take data management to the next level with mHealth Studio

mHealth Studio

hearTest is launched from mHealth Studio, which allows seamless synchronization between the smart device and hearTest, ensuring all test and patient records are accessible from the cloud. mHealth Studio is included for free with your purchase of any hearX® software. It allows for data capturing, management, surveillance, referrals, report generation and secure usage anywhere, anytime.

What's in the box?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the hearTest protocols be changed?
In hearTest, the user can create their own protocols with a frequency test range: 125 Hz - 8000 Hz with the HD280 headphones and a frequency test range: 125 Hz - 16000 Hz (Extended High Frequency - EHF) with the HD300 headphones. Please refer to the hearX Training Platform on how to create your own custom protocol.
Can hearTest be used on any device?
While our solution is built on commercially available off-the-shelf hardware, the smart device used for hearTest is standardized to comply with specific industry standards. This standardization ensures that the device generating the pure tones for screening can be accurately calibrated. This calibration is essential to ensure that the decibel levels are precise and reliable. hearX cannot guarantee accurate or reliable sound levels on personal smart devices, as they have not been standardized and calibrated and therefore hearScreen cannot be installed on personal smart devices.
With which standards does hearTest comply?
hearTest complies with the following international standards:
- **IEC 60645-1**: Electroacoustics - Audiometric equipment - Part 1: Equipment for pure-tone and speech audiometry
- **ANSI/ASA S3.6**: Specification for Audiometers (type 4 audiometer)
- **ISO 8253-1**: Acoustics, Audiometric test methods Part 1: Pure-tone air and bone conduction audiometry
- **ISO 389 series**: Acoustics, Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 2: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and insert earphones
- **BS EN ISO 13485**: Medical devices - Quality management systems - Requirements for regulatory purposes
- **IEC 60601-1-2**: Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic disturbances - Requirements and tests
- **BS EN ISO 14971**: Medical devices: Application of risk management to medical devices
- **EN 62366-1**: Medical Devices - Part 1: Application of usability engineering to medical devices
- **IEC 62304**: Medical device software - Software life cycle processes
- **EN ISO 14155**: Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects - Good clinical practice
- **ISO 20417**: Information supplied by the manufacturer with medical devices
- **EN ISO10993-1**: Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process
Does hearTest allow testing at 0 dB?
Yes, hearTest does allow 0 dB testing on the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro hardware set and can allow testing down to -10 dB with the RadioEar DD450 and DAC hardware set.
Can hearTest be used outside a booth?
hearTest is a certified type 4 audiometer and is suitable for conducting screenings outside of an audio booth. It remains the responsibility of the user to ensure the compliance of the test environment according to the relevant local standards. hearTest Occ Health hardware set (insert earphones covered by earmuffs) exceeds ambient noise attenuation required for screening audiometry (e.g. ISO/SANS 8253-1). This level of attenuation is comparable to that of a single-wall soundproof booth. Download our white paper study here.

Published articles that feature hearTest

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hearX Group info@hearxgroup.com US: +1 (415) 825-3064 RSA: +27 (0) 12 030-0268
Lexie Hearing sales@lexiehearing.com +1 (800) 499-1336
hearX is proud to complete its SOC® examination with the guidance of third-party audit firm A-LIGN.

This globally recognized attestation validates our commitment to critical security standards to protect and secure client data.

FDA Registered | ISO 13485 Certified | SAHPRA Registered | HIPAA Compliant | GDPR Compliant | POPIA Compliant

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